ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre

Latest Requirements and Experience Sharing on the Application of Genetically Modified Food Ingredients in China
Place: Online
date: 2024-09-26 21:00 ~ 2024-09-26 22:00 (GMT+8)
Fee: Free

In recent years, the Chinese government has introduced a series of policies to promote the development of synthetic biology. Previously, food ingredients derived from synthetic biology could only be applied for as new varieties of enzyme preparations and food additives. However, on September 13, 2024, the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment of China issued a notice that fully opens the pathway for declaring new food ingredients produced using genetically engineered microorganisms. This development is set to spark a new wave of applications for food ingredients and additives in China.


ZMUni Compliance Centre will host a free webinar titled "Latest Requirements and Experience Sharing on the Application of Genetically Modified Food Ingredients in China" on September 26, 2024. This webinar will provide global stakeholders with insights into the current status of new food ingredient and additive applications in China, as well as guidance on bringing food ingredients derived from synthetic biology into compliance for market entry. We will also share valuable application experiences.

  1. Introduction to New Food Ingredients and New Food Additives in China
  2. Approval Status and Trends of Popular New Ingredients in China
  3. Application Process for New Food Ingredients(GMO-Based) in China
  4. Application Process for New Food Additives (GMO-Based) in China
Olin Feng
Food Regulatory Consultant, ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre

Contact Info

If you have any questions, please contact us:
+86 571-86592517
+86 18058418258


Kindly take note that the webinar is scheduled for Sep 26, 2024, at 9:00PM Beijing Time (2:00PM London Time).