ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre



Regulatory Updates

2024 in Review: Summary of SCCS Opinions
Publication date:2025-01-22

The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) plays a vital role in cosmetics regulation within the EU. Its responsibilities include providing scientific opinions, conducting risk assessments, developing and updating guidelines, and advancing alternative testing methods. According to China's Guidelines for Use of Cosmetic Ingredient Data, the evaluation conclusions published by internationally recognized cosmetic safety assessment institutions can serve as a primary data type. This makes SCCS scientific opinions a key source for the full version of China's CPSR.


SCCS opinions are categorized as:

  • Preliminary Opinions open for comments

  • Opinions being finalised

  • Final Opinions

  • Previous committee


In 2024, SCCS issued 14 final opinions, including a corrigendum for a previously published opinion. These opinions covered Hydroxypropyl p-phenylenediamine and its dihydrochloride salt (A165) 、Hexyl Salicylate、aluminium 、Benzophenone - 4、Titanium dioxide (TiO2) 、Silver、Hexyl Salicylate、Citral、Biphenyl-2-ol and Sodium 2-biphenylolate、HC Yellow No. 16、Acetylated Vetiver Oil – AVO、New coating for Titanium Dioxide (nano form). The detailed information is summarized in the following table:



Final Opinions


New coating for Titanium Dioxide (nano form)



Inhalation toxicity of the fragrance ingredient Acetylated Vetiver Oil – AVO (CAS No 84082-84-8, EC No 282-031-1) in sprayable cosmetic products - Submission IV



Scientific Advice on HC Yellow No. 16 (Colipa No. B123) (CAS No. 1184721-10-5) - Submission II



Addendum to the Scientific Opinion on Hexyl Salicylate SCCS/1658/23 (CAS/EC No. 6259-76-3/228-408-6) - Children exposure 0-3 years old


A corrigendum was adopted by writing procedure on 18 December 2024 to correct Table 6 values for calculated relative daily exposure.


Biphenyl-2-ol and Sodium 2-biphenylolate used in cosmetic products (CAS/EC No. 90-43-7/201-993-5 and 132-27-4/205-055-6)



Citral (CAS No. 5392-40-5, EC No. 226-394-6) sensitisation endpoint



Triphenyl phosphate (CAS No. 204-112-2, EC No. 115-86-6)


A corrigendum was adopted during plenary meeting on 25 October to switch and correct the CAS and EC numbers.


Safety of Silver (CAS/EC No. 7440-22-4/231-131-3) used in cosmetic products



Scientific Advice on Titanium dioxide (TiO2) (CAS/EC numbers 13463-67-7/236-675-5, 1317-70-0/215-280- 1, 1317-80-2/215-282-2)



Benzophenone - 4 (CAS No. 4065-45-6, EC No. 223-772-2)



Safety of aluminium in cosmetic products - Submission IV



Hexyl Salicylate (CAS/EC No. 6259-76-3/228-408-6)



Hydroxypropyl p-phenylenediamine and its dihydrochloride salt (A165) (CAS/EC No. 73793-79-0/827-723-1 and 1928659-47-5/-)



Key Insights from the Opinions


Hexyl Salicylate ( Children exposure 0-3 years old)

Hexyl salicylate is commonly used in cosmetics as a fragrance ingredient and skin-conditioning agent. It is not currently regulated under Annexes of the EU Cosmetics Regulation (EC) 1223/2009 and is listed in China’s Catalogue of Cosmetic Ingredients Used in China (2021) without usage restrictions.


On December 19, 2024, SCCS issued a corrigendum to the scientific opinion on hexyl salicylate SCCS/1658/23, focusing on children under 3 years old. Key conclusions include:


  • Based on the available data, SCCS considers hexyl salicylate safe for children under 3 when used at the following maximum concentrations:

  1. Bath products, hand soaps, shampoos, conditioners, body lotions, face creams, hand creams, lipsticks/lip balms, and perfumes: 0.1%

  2. Toothpaste: 0.001%

  • Hexyl salicylate is prohibited in cosmetics for children under 3 unless present as a technically unavoidable trace impurity.

  • The opinion does not apply to spray products with potential pulmonary inhalation exposure, including oral sprays.

  • Environmental safety was not addressed in the opinion.


New Coatings for Titanium Dioxide (Nano)

Titanium dioxide is permitted as a colorant and sunscreen in cosmetics under Annexes III, IV, and VI of the EU Cosmetics Regulation (EC) 1223/2009. In China, its usage must comply with relevant requirements in the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (2015).


On October 25, 2024, SCCS released its final opinion on new coatings for titanium dioxide (nano), concluding:


  • There are numerous uncertainties and data gaps, making it impossible to determine safety.

  • The similarity between the new coatings and previously evaluated TiO2 nano-materials (SCCS/1516/13, revised April 22, 2014) in terms of physicochemical properties, coating stability, and lack of skin absorption remains unproven.

  • Without proof of similarity, additional data on physicochemical, toxicological, and exposure aspects are required to assess safety in cosmetics.


Triphenyl Phosphate

Triphenyl phosphate is commonly used as a plasticizer in cosmetics. It is not currently regulated under Annexes of the EU Cosmetics Regulation (EC) 1223/2009 and is listed in China’s Catalogue of Cosmetic Ingredients Used in China (2021) without usage restrictions.


On July 26, 2024, SCCS issued its final opinion on triphenyl phosphate, concluding that, based on the available information, it is not possible to confirm the ingredient's safety due to potential genotoxicity concerns.


Preliminary Opinions Open for Comments


SCCS also issued preliminary opinions on certain ingredients, with comments open until mid-January 2025. The final opinions are expected to be published later in 2025. The ingredients include:




In 2024, SCCS provided critical scientific evaluations of cosmetic ingredients, highlighting the complexity and rigor of safety assessments. ZMUni will continue to monitor developments in EU and global cosmetic regulations to provide professional compliance support. 

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