Cosmetic Products Group Standard 2020 applies to any substance imported or manufactured for use as a cosmetic product in New Zealand, where that cosmetic product classifies as hazardous according to the hazard classification criteria as set out in the Hazardous Substances (Hazard Classification) Notice 2020. This article is an excerpt from this Group Standard, including provisions for labeling and advertising, safety data sheets, packaging, disposal, and restrictions on supply, storage, and use.
(1) Substances covered by this Group Standard must comply with the relevant provisions of the Hazardous Substances (Labelling) Notice 2017. (2) The label on a substance covered by this Group Standard must also contain a list of ingredients in accordance with the following priority—
(a) a list of the ingredients in the product (except colour additives) in concentrations of 1% or more in descending order by volume or mass;and
(b) a list of the ingredients in the product (except colour additives) in concentrations of less than 1% in any order; and
(c) colour additives in any order; and
(d) flavour or flavours, which must be described in the list of ingredients by:
(i) the words, “flavour” or “flavours” or ”aroma” or “aromas”;or
(ii) the ingredients in the flavour or flavours; and
(e) fragrance or fragrances, which must be described in the list of ingredients by:
(i) the words, “fragrance” or “fragrances” or “parfum” or “parfums”;or
(ii) the ingredients in the fragrance or fragrances.
(3) A label must provide the manufacturer’s original source or batch code information.
(4) A substance that contains a component listed in Schedules 5 to 8 must comply with the relevant labelling requirements set out in those Schedules. (5) Despite subclause (4) a primary sunscreen may be labeled in accordance with the requirements of the “Therapeutic Goods Order No. 69: General Requirements for Labels for Medicines 2017” of the Commonwealth of Australia. (6) Despite subclause (4) a cosmetic product containing a component at reference numbers 67-92 of Schedule 5 may not be labelled with the name of that component, provided the label lists the flavours or fragrances which must be described by the words, “fragrance” or “fragrances” or “parfum” or “parfums”; or the ingredients in the fragrance or fragrances.
(7) Despite anything to the contrary in the Hazardous Substances (Labelling) Notice 2017, where there is a requirement to list ingredients under subclause (1) and (2), the list may be provided on—
(a) the substance label; or
(b) the outer container or carton if the substance is packed in a primary pack; or
(c) a package insert or leaflet if the package is too small to include the details on the label; or
(d) a leaflet at the point of sale.
(8) Substances displayed for sale in tightly compartmentalized trays or racks, or used in conjunction with display units, may declare the ingredients in off-package labelling attached to the display rather than on each retail unit, provided that the total surface area of the substance is less than 80 cm2. This provision does not apply to substances that are contained in a primary pack. (9) The ingredients may be declared using their common chemical names or their International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient names. (10) All ingredients present in the form of nanomaterials shall be clearly indicated in the list of ingredients. The names of such ingredients shall be followed by the word “nano” in brackets. (11) The requirements of subclauses (2) and (4) do not need to be met if the labelling is compliant with current labelling requirements for cosmetic products of Australia, USA, Canada, or the European Union, as if the substance were for sale or supply in those countries. Advisory Note: Clauses 31 and 32 of the Hazardous Substances (Labelling) Notice 2017, which set out alternative compliance provisions, apply in relation to the requirements of the Notice. Subclause (11) allows for alternative compliance in relation to subclauses (2) –(4).
(12) The requirements of this condition do not apply to free samples or testers.
Substances covered by this Group Standard must comply with the relevant provisions of the Hazardous Substances (Safety Data Sheets) Notice 2017.
Substances covered by this Group Standard must comply with the relevant provisions of the Hazardous Substances (Packaging) Notice 2017.
Substances covered by this Group Standard must comply with the relevant provisions of the Hazardous Substances (Disposal) Notice 2017.
Substances covered by this Group Standard must comply with the relevant provisions of the Hazardous Substances (Hazardous Property Controls) Notice 2017. NOTE: To access the Preamble to Schedules 4 – 8 and Schedules 4 – 8 go to: Cosmetic Products Group Standard Schedules 4 - 8 Please contact us if you need more detailed information: