ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre



Regulatory Updates

Biweekly Updates of Global Regulations on Cosmetics (July)
Publication date:2023-07-03

SCCS Released Guidance on The Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics

On 26 June 2023, EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) published Guidance on The Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials (NMs) in Cosmetics. This Guidance is intended to provide specific guidance on the safety evaluation of NMs intended to be used as cosmetic ingredients.

NMs may exhibit certain physicochemical properties, biokinetic behaviour, biological interactions, and/or toxicological effects that are different from the conventional or bulk form of the same ingredients. This guidance, therefore, highlights specific aspects that should be considered when testing and reporting data for NMs. It points out the type of data/information that must be provided by the Applicant to the Commission in support of the safety of the NMs intended for use in cosmetics. For the overall safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients, this guidance should be used in conjunction with the SCCS Notes of Guidance (see SCCS/1647/22 - SCCS Notes of Guidance 12th revision or any future revision).

The Guidance is structured in separate sections covering Requirements for Safety Assessment (2.1), Physicochemical Characterisation (3), Exposure Assessment (4), Hazard Identification and Dose-Response Characterisation (5), and Risk Assessment (6) of NMs. A summary and conclusions of the main aspects discussed are provided in Section 7.

It also needs to be emphasised that the Guidance provided in this document is based on the currently available knowledge. As the field of NM safety assessment is still evolving, future revisions will be carried out as necessary when new scientific knowledge becomes available.

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Health Canada Announces the End of Cosmetic Animal Testing in Canada

On 27 June 2023, Health Canada has banned the cruel and unnecessary testing of cosmetic products on animals in Canada, representing a major step forward in supporting animal welfare by reducing our reliance on animal testing, while ensuring health and safety.

The new legislative changes mean that in Canada, companies will no longer be allowed to test cosmetic products on animals or sell their cosmetics that rely on animal testing data to establish safety.

The practice of testing cosmetics on animals has significantly decreased worldwide and was rarely conducted in Canada. By implementing these changes, Canada is aligning with the global shift toward ethical cosmetic testing by joining other countries, including all European Union countries, Australia, the United Kingdom, and South Korea, that have already taken measures to prohibit cosmetic animal testing. 

Beyond cosmetics, Health Canada is working with the international scientific and regulatory community to develop, validate and implement effective alternatives to animal testing.

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Canada AICIS Released Evaluation Statement for Benzene in Cosmetic Products

On 26 June 2023, Canada AICIS released an evaluation statement for Benzene in cosmetic products.

Based on international information, Benzene has industrial use as a fragrance ingredient in cosmetic and domestic products, including in perfumes, air fresheners, washing and cleaning products, and polishes and waxes.

An International Fragrance Association (IFRA) Standard applies to the chemical, under which use of the chemical as a fragrance ingredient in finished products is restricted to a concentration limit of up to 1.5%, depending on the product category. IFRA states that the Standards are compulsory for all its members (IFRA 2022).


Canada AICIS Released Evaluation Statement for Alkyl Diphenyl Oxide Sulfonates in Cosmetic Products

On 26 June 2023, Canada AICIS released an evaluation statement for Alkyl diphenyl oxide sulfonates in cosmetic products.

Based on international use information, these chemicals are surfactants that may be used in a variety of cosmetic, commercial, domestic, and site-limited applications including as ingredients in personal care products, fragrances, and cleaning products. 

The critical health effect of chemicals in this group is the potential for serious damage to the eyes.