ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre



Regulatory Updates

Biweekly Updates of Global Regulations on Cosmetics (March)
Publication date:2023-03-27

EU-SCCS’s Final Opinion on Hydroxyapatite (nano) in Oral Cosmetic Products

On 23 March 2023, Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) released its final opinion on Hydroxyapatite (nano) in oral cosmetic products.

Based on the data provided, the SCCS considers hydroxyapatite (nano) safe when used at concentrations up to 10% in toothpaste, and up to 0.465% in mouthwash.

Although the use of hydroxyapatite (nano) is indicated also for breath spray, no data were provided to allow assessment of consumer safety from inhalation exposure. Therefore, this Opinion is not applicable to sprayable products that might lead to exposure of the consumer’s lungs to nanoparticles by inhalation

This safety evaluation only applies to the hydroxyapatite (nano) with the following characteristics:

* composed of rod-shaped particles of which at least 95.8% (in particle number) have an aspect ratio less than 3, and the remaining 4.2% have an aspect ratio not exceeding 4.9;

* the particles are not coated or surface modified.

This Opinion is not applicable to hydroxyapatite (nano) composed of needle-shaped




Korea Consults on Public Opinion on Cosmetics Labeling and Advertising Amendment

On 22 March 2023, the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety released a notice to inform the public of the reasons and main contents of the amendment of cosmetics labeling and advertisement in advance, and to hear their opinions.

Agencies, organizations, or individuals who have opinions on this amendment can submit their opinions online through the National Participation Legislation Center ( by May 2, 2023.



Vietnam Amended Regulations on Cosmetics Ingredients

On 1 January 2023, the Vietnam government released an announcement 817/QLD-MP to amend regulations on cosmetics ingredients. This is in alignment with the amendments in The ASEAN Cosmetic Directive (ACD) on 19 January 2023.

The key changes include the following:

(1) Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane and other 44 ingredients are listed as prohibited ingredients.

(2) New conditions are set for the use of Salicylic acidTitanium dioxide (Table 1). It is effective as of the day of releasing this announcement and stakeholders have transitional time until 21 November 2024.


Maximum Concentration

Application Field

Salicylic acid


Cosmetic products such as skincare product, eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, lip balm, deodorant, nail care, etc.

Titanium dioxide


Face product in liquid or powder form


Hair gel



Norway Prescribes the Use of Formaldehyde Releasers in Cosmetic Products

On 3 February 2023, Norway Food Safety Authority prescribed the use of formaldehyde releasers in cosmetics products. The key points are as follows:

(1) A warning of ‘Formaldehyde Release shall be labeled when the aggregate release concentration of a finished product exceeds 0.001%, no matter if it contains one or several ingredients releasing formaldehyde.

(2) The use of Benzophenone-3 and Octocrylene is prescribed in the following table.


Cosmetic Product

Maximum Concentration



Face cream, hand cream, and lipstick



Used in cosmetics to protect product/formula



Body cream, aerosol spray, pump spray


The maximum concentration is 1.7%  when used as a UV filter in products with 0.5% Benzophenone-3.  





Aerosol sunscreen





Norway Government Strengthens the Supervision of Cosmetics in 2023

In 2023, Norway Food Safety Authority strengthens the supervision of cosmetics, involving cosmetic imports, manufacturers, and distributors.  The critical inspection point is whether the stakeholders are familiar with and compliant with the cosmetic regulations in Norway.