ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre



Regulatory Updates

Biweekly Updates of Global Regulations on Cosmetics (March)
Publication date:2023-03-13

EU - Minutes of SCCS Meetings on Nanomaterials in Cosmetics Products

On 7 March 2023, the EU released the minutes of the SCCS meetings on nanomaterials in cosmetics products of 27 February 2023. The following list of points was discussed.

(1)  Preliminary opinions

• HAP-Hydroxyapatite (nano) – the preliminary opinion has been adopted by the SCCS and published for commenting period until 1 March 2023.

• Fullerenes (nano) – the SCCS received additional data from one Notifier. The WG is working further on the opinion and plans to finalize it in the March plenary meeting.

(2) Nano Guidance – Update

• The WG is working further on the newest version of the document that will be presented in the March plenary for further discussion.


EU-Minutes of SCCS Meeting on Cosmetic Ingredients

On 6 March 2023, the EU released the minutes of the SCCS meetings on cosmetic ingredients of 22-23 February 2023. The following list of points is discussed.

(1) GROW call for data for salicylates: the SCCS discussed the data received with DG GROW and consortium representatives on the method/model used for the metabolism and skin penetration of esters of salicylic acid in cosmetic products. The SCCS will discuss internally the information received and decide with DG GROW on the way forward.

(2) Draft opinions on the following ingredients were discussed: Citral, Silver zinc zeolite, TiO2, Methylsalicylate, Methylparaben, Butylparaben,

Hair dye ingredients hydroxypropyl p-phenylenediamine and its dihydrochloride salt, Benzyl salicylate, Hexyl salicylate, Hair dye HC blue 18, Zn salts in oral products.

(3) Comments were made on the opinions of the following ingredients: Salicylic Acid, Hair Dye C186, and Aluminium.


Australia Adds a Fragrance Ingredient to the Inventory of Industrial Chemicals

On 9 February 2023, Australia added Cyclopropanecarboxylic Acid to the Inventory of Industrial Chemicals.

Cyclopropanecarboxylic Acid was assessed for use by professionals and consumers as a fragrance ingredient in cosmetic, personal, and household products:

(1) imported into Australia at up to 1 tonne per year

(2) imported at up to 100% concentration for reformulation of end-use products at less than 1% concentrations for consumers and professional use