ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre




Regulatory Updates

Cosmetics Sample Retention Service
Publication date:2022-03-24

ZMUni Regulatory Compliance Centre services in China include: Cosmetics Sample Retention Service(included in Chinese Responsible Agency Service) Please check out the photo below:


Cosmetics Sample Retention


If you have any questions about the Cosmetics Sample Retention Service, contact us➡:

ZMUni regulatory compliance services in China include: 
  • Registration Service of Special Cosmetic Products
  • Filing/Notification Service of General Cosmetic Products
  • Infant/Children General Cosmetic Products Filing/Notification Service
  • Infant/Children Sunscreen Cosmetic Products Registration Service
  • New Cosmetic Ingredients (NCI) Filing/Notification and Registration Service
  • Cosmetic Ingredients Code Application Service
  • Cosmetic Efficacy Claim Evaluation Service
  • Chinese responsible agency service
  • Apply for CITES permit or certificate of endangered species Service
  • Toothpaste Filing/Notification Service
  • Mouthwash etc. Dental Care Products regulatory compliance Service
  • Custom clearance service
  • Disinfectionproducts Filing/Notification Service
  • Anti-bacterial products Filing/Notification Service
  • QMS (Quality Management System) service
  • ACR (Adverse Cosmetic Reaction) Service
  • Labelling Reviews
  • Regulatory Dossiers
  • Compliance Solutions
  • Regulatory Support


ZMUni Chinese Cosmetic Regulation Compliance Centre 中贸合规中心

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