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Data Insight Report of Skincare Industry in June 2022(Platform: Little Red Book)
Publication date:2022-07-15

With summer coming, consumers’ demand for skincare is changing which is more refined compared to the demand in May. Fine skincare is more important for people, and they pay more attention on practical efficacy products such as lotion&cream, serum, sunscreen. Consumers have an increasing knowledge of their own skincare demand. Under the condition that consumers’ skincare concept is being constantly updated, a refined racetrack is derived from skincare market in June, brands also usher in a comprehensive “Technology war”. Many scientific component words such as Pro-XylaneTM, Sodium Polyglutamate are constantly emerging which is continuously influencing consumers’ purchase decisions. Compared to the skincare industry in May, international brands are still popular among consumers while Chinese domestic brands are constantly refining their products to bring forth the new through the old, increasing the advertisement on Little Red Book, and making efforts to make consumers more recognize the brands. In June 2022, which characteristics did the development of skincare industry on Little Red Book present? released Data Insight Report of Skincare Industry in June 2022(Platform: Little Red Book)  to give you the answers.

Major findings

1.It’s easier for video notes(similar to the posts on social media) in skincare industry to have interactions, the interaction per video note is 4.80 times the interactions of per image/word note.

2.Summer is coming, demand for skincare has changed, TOP 3 skincare categories are serum, lotion&cream, sunscreen, refining skincare is trending in the market.

3.Skincare content reading group is young, male skincare ratio increases, becoming a new opportunity trend.

4.Premium international skincare products are still popular, Chinese domestic brands have increased the advertisement on Little Red Book.

PART 01——Seedings insight of skincare industry in June on Little Red Book

Number of notes in skincare industry in June

The number is 415 k, with obvious growth compared to May

Interactions of notes related to skincare industry in June

The interaction data is 80.75 million

Number of notes of refined categories in skincare industry in June

TOP 3 categories among the number of notes of refined categories of skincare industry in June are serum, lotion&cream, sunscreen. Of all, the number of notes related to serum category is 88.4k, the number of notes related to lotion&cream category is 87.0k, the number of notes related to sunscreen category is 62.4k. TOP 3 categories are same as those in May, however the number of serum category notes rises from TOP 2 to TOP 1.

Interactions of notes of refined categories in the skincare industry in June

TOP 3 interactions of notes of refining categories of the skincare industry in June are lotion&cream, serum, and sunscreen. Among them, the interactions of notes related to lotion&cream are 17.87 million, the interactions of notes related to serum are 15.82 million, and the interactions of notes related to sunscreen are 13.53 million.

Data of hot search words in the skincare industry in June

“Lip” tops the rankings of hot search words in the skincare industry in June, the number of its relevant notes is 4.09k. See the table below. 


TOP 10 hot search word in skincare industry

PART 02——The ranking of skincare brands, goods on Little Red Book

Ranking of interactions of brand commercial notes in the skincare industry in June

In TOP 20 rankings of interactions of commercial notes in the skincare industry in June, the proportion of international brands increases by 12%, compared to that in May, among which, brands like LANCOME are still being pursued by consumers, with interactions way ahead. Domestic brands like ZHIRUN, and Pechoin are also working hard to continuously do delicate research, increase publicity, and make consumers more recognize the brands.

Interaction ranking of brand cooperation report notes in skincare industry

Goods seedings(recommend a product to others that is likely to seduce them into buying it) in the skincare industry in June

The price range of goods seedings in the skincare industry is concentrated between 100 yuan and 1000 yuan. The difference in the seeding proportion of goods whose price is below 100 yuan and that of goods whose price is 1000-2000 yuan is small, suggesting that users pay the same attention to both low-price skincare products and premium skincare products. The seeding goods are mainly serum, cream, and sunscreen.