ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre



Industry Insights

Export Compliance: Children's Cosmetics in China
Publication date:2024-04-11

China has issued several regulations and technical guidelines to implement strict management of children's cosmetics, aiming to safeguard the well-being of young consumers.


ZMUni Compliance Centre has made this Export Compliance Guideline to provide manufacturers and stakeholders a glimpse into the regulatory framework and critical requirements.


Main Content

1. Definition

2. Related Regulations
3. Regulatory Requirements
  • Formula Design

  • Executive Standard

  • Labeling and Packaging

  • Safety Assessment

4. Cosmetic Registration/Filing Process in China

1. Definition

Children's cosmetics in China refer to cosmetics for children aged 12 and under and have the functions of cleansing, moisturizing, body refreshing, sunscreen, etc. Products labeled "applicable to the whole population," "suitable for the whole family," etc., or products implying the target users include children by trademarks, patterns, homophones, letters, Pinyin, numbers, symbols, packaging, etc., are subject to the management of children's cosmetics.

The Cosmetic Classification Rules and Catalog has subdivided the efficacy claims for infants and children based on age:

For infants under 3 years old (including 3 years), cosmetics are limited to cleansing, moisturizing, hair care, sun protection, soothing, and refreshing.

For children aged 3-12, cosmetics are limited to cleansing, makeup removal, moisturizing, beauty enhancement, aromatherapy, hair care, sun protection, repair, soothing, and refreshing.

Notice: Children under 3 years old are not suitable for using cosmetics categorized as "makeup." Children are not recommended to use cosmetics intended for adults, such as hair dyeing, hair perming, and spot whitening.

2. Related Regulations



Effective Date

Regulations on the Management of Registration and Filing Information for Cosmetics.


Products claimed to be used by infants and children need to submit toxicological test reports for the product.

May 1, 2021

Technical Guidelines for Cosmetic Safety Assessment (2021 Edition)

In the safety assessment of children's cosmetics, the children's physiological characteristics should be considered in hazard identification and exposure calculation. The principles of formula design for children's cosmetics should be clearly defined.

May 1, 2021

Regulations on Cosmetic Labeling Management

Laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, mandatory national standards, and technical specifications that require special attention to be labeled for cosmetics applicable to particular groups, such as children should use "Caution" or "Warning" as guiding language and include safety warning phrases on the visible surface of sales packaging.

May 1, 2022

Supervision and Administration Measures on Cosmetics Manufacture and Operation

Children's skincare cosmetics must adhere to strict production conditions, which should be noted on the cosmetics production license. They should be clearly labeled as children's cosmetics to avoid confusion with food and drugs, preventing accidental ingestion or misuse. Furthermore, when producing and selling children's toys, measures should be taken to prevent them from being misused as children's cosmetics. Additionally, the illegal addition of substances that may harm human health to children's cosmetics constitutes a severe violation of the law, and offenders will be punished severely by the law.

January 1, 2022

Good Manufacturing Practice for Cosmetics

The regulation contains strict environmental index requirements for children's cosmetics manufacturers' clean and quasi-clean work areas.

July 1, 2022

Regulations on Supervision and Administration of Children's Cosmetics

The Regulations stipulate special requirements, including ingredient safety, product safety, efficacy claims, production, and operation for children's cosmetics.

January 1, 2022

(Packaging requirements will be implemented on May 1, 2022)

Draft on the Technical Specifications for Cosmetic Safety (2022 Edition)

The draft explicitly outlines requirements for children's cosmetics. Specifically, ingredients, formulation, production processes, labeling, usage methods, and quality safety control of children's cosmetics should meet the standard safety requirements and comply with the "Regulations on Supervision and Administration of Children's Cosmetics" to ensure product safety. Children's cosmetics should specify the target users on the label.


Technical Guidelines for children's cosmetics

It Integrates the various requirements of regulatory documents regarding children's cosmetics, further clarifying their specific requirements.

August 31, 2023

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