ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre



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How to Declare the Cosmetic Set at China’s Customs?
Publication date:2022-06-23

There are various categories in cosmetics, in order to make it easier for consumers to choose, several categories of cosmetics are packed together and sold in form of cosmetic set in lots of stores. Therefore for cosmetic importers, in which way can they confirm the customs code of cosmetic sets when importing them?  

The definition of “cosmetics” in CSAR is: “Cosmetics” refer to those household and personal care chemical industrial products that are applied to the surface of the human body such as the skin, hair, nails or lips by rubbing, spraying or other similar methods for the purpose of cleaning, protecting, beautifying or modifying. Cosmetic set, as a retail set goods to be imported, can be declared to the customs as the form of set when it meets the classification basis of retail set goods by the customs. Otherwise even if the customs system releases the goods during import, it’s possible that the post-inspection of customs requires the enterprise to change the declare bill and declare again.

Classification basis of customs:

According to classification general rule, to be a retail set goods, the following 3 conditions need to be met:

  • it consists of at least two different goods which seems to be categorized into different items
  • Several pieces of products are packaged together specially for meeting a certain requirement or conducting a certain special activity
  • It’s suitable that the packaging form is directly sold to consumers without re-packaging

There are various packaging forms of sets, they are mainly divided into the following situations:

Form 1(There are only goods of the same one item in the set )

The set includes a box of cream(customs code: 3304), a bottle of toner(customs code: 3304), a bottle of serum(customs code: 3304), a hand cream(customs code: 3304), this form of set can’t be declared as a a set of goods, but it requires being declared as single goods. Moreover we should pay attention when notifying cosmetics, this form of cosmetics needs to be notified as a single product and adding set package specifications.


cosmetics set

Form 2(There are goods of different items in the set )

The set includes a box of cream(customs code: 3304), a bottle of toner(customs code: 3304), a bottle of serum(customs code: 3304), an eyebrow pencil(customs code: 9603), this form of set can be declared as set form during import, the customs code is determined by the goods of highest value, for example the above goods are declared as 3304.


cosmetic kit


The enterprises had better consult professional agency before importing goods to conduct analysis on product characteristics and confirm whether the the customs code to be declared is compliant. Don’t influence the accuracy of data statistics by the customs, which, may leads to unnecessary punishment on the enterprises. If you have any questions, please contact us:

ZMUni regulatory compliance services in China include: 
  • Registration Service of Special Cosmetic Products
  • Filing/Notification Service of General Cosmetic Products
  • Infant/Children General Cosmetic Products Filing/Notification Service
  • Infant/Children Sunscreen Cosmetic Products Registration Service
  • New Cosmetic Ingredients (NCI) Filing/Notification and Registration Service
  • Cosmetic Ingredients Code Application Service
  • Cosmetic Efficacy Claim Evaluation Service
  • Chinese responsible agency service
  • Apply for CITES permit or certificate of endangered species Service
  • Toothpaste Filing/Notification Service
  • Mouthwash etc. Dental Care Products regulatory compliance Service
  • Custom clearance service
  • Disinfectionproducts Filing/Notification Service
  • Anti-bacterial products Filing/Notification Service
  • QMS (Quality Management System) service
  • ACR (Adverse Cosmetic Reaction) Service
  • Labelling Reviews
  • Regulatory Dossiers
  • Compliance Solutions
  • Regulatory Support


ZMUni Chinese Cosmetic Regulation Compliance Centre 中贸合规中心

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