ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre



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New IECIC in China: Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China 2021
Publication date:2022-03-04

On 30 April 2021, NMPA issued Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China 2021(IECIC 2021) which has taken effect from 1 May 2021.

Compared to IECIC 2015, IECIC 2021 has made a lot of adjustments.


Major adjustments are as the followings:

1.8965 existing ingredients have been included. The newly revised IECIC contains 8972 ingredient serial number, but actually includes 8965 existing ingredient that have been manufactured and sold within the territory of China. 189 ingredients have been added and the name information of 517 ingredients has been standardized. Eg., Supplement 112 kinds of restricted components, preservatives, sunscreens, colorants, hair dye(from Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics) that are not included in IECIC 2021 into it. Meanwhile, the newly revised IECIC modified and standardized the Chinese, English and INCI names of some ingredients according to International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook, Chinese Pharmacopoeia,  Flora of China. For the ingredients that have the same name or have no history of use and identified source, they are deleted by the newly revised Inventory.


2.Add the highest historical use concentration of the ingredient. This is a hot point in the industry. 7278 ingredients in IECIC 2021 have been supplemented with their highest historical use concentration or be used as required in Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics. How is the highest historical use concentration of these ingredients sorted out and listed in IECIC 2021? It’s known that NMPA organized the collection of ingredient use in the formula of domestic special cosmetics and imported cosmetics that have been approved in the past 10 years, sorted out the data by information processing and manual review, and defined the highest historical use concentration according to rinse-off category and leave-on category. At the same time, NMPA standardized the effective digits of the highest historical use concentration referring to the Rules for Registration and Notification Dossiers of Cosmetics.

Here is an English translated version made by ZMUni, it’s available upon request. Please contact us if you need:
ZMUni regulatory compliance services in China include: 
  • Registration Service of Special Cosmetic Products
  • Filing/Notification Service of General Cosmetic Products
  • Infant/Children General Cosmetic Products Filing/Notification Service
  • Infant/Children Sunscreen Cosmetic Products Registration Service
  • New Cosmetic Ingredients (NCI) Filing/Notification and Registration Service
  • Cosmetic Ingredients Code Application Service
  • Cosmetic Efficacy Claim Evaluation Service
  • Chinese responsible agency service
  • Apply for CITIS permit or certificate of endangered speciesservice
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ZMUni Chinese Cosmetic Regulation Compliance Centre 中贸合规中心

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