ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre

Main Services
Cosmetic Filing and Registration
New Cosmetic Ingredient Filing and Registration
Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment
Responsible Person in China
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China Health Food
China New Food Ingredient
China New Food Additives
EU Food Compliance
US Food Compliance
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Import and Export Customs Clearance
GACC Overseas Manufacturers Registration of Imported Food
Convention Certificates
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Compliance Consulting
Regulatory Tracking
Compliance Training
Customized Compliance Tool Development
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New Cosmetic Ingredients in China: Emerging Trends & Latest Regulatory Updates
Exporting Novel Food to China: Market Trends & Regulatory Approach
Comprehensive Insights into Toothpaste Filing Requirements in China for 2024
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Compliance Training Seminar for Exporting Cosmetics to China
China Cosmetic Filing and Registration: Comprehensive Guide to Ingredient Safety Requirements
What You Need to Know about Talc as Cosmetic Ingredient: Compliance Requirements in China, America and EU

  Recently, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified talcum powder as a "Group 2A carcinogen," meaning it is “probably” causes cancer.   In response to IARC's assessment, ZMUni Compliance Centre has compiled information on compliance requirements for talc in China and Western countries, helping businesses and consumers better understand this ingredient.   | IARC Classified as the Second Highest Level of Certainty   After evaluating the evidence, the IARC has classified talc as Group 2A, indicating a probable carcinogen with the second-highest level of certainty. However, talc containing asbestos remains classified as Group 1, which represents the highest

About Us
ZMUni aims to align your quality management and compliance practices with your business strategy in global markets, especially China. We provide efficient services including product registration and filing, laboratory testing, label and formula review, customs clearance, etc. across multiple industries such as cosmetics, food and beverages, disinfectants, and medical devices.
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