ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre




Regulatory Updates

2021Tmall Beauty Double 11 General Report
Publication date:2022-02-21

When we’re trying to know about beauty industry in China, How do those beauty brands perform in D11 shopping festival in 2021? Perhaps we can find the answer from 2021 Tmall Beauty D11 General Report.

66 brands exceeding ¥100 million !
Surprisingly, L'Oreal is the first 10 billion Group in the history of Tmall D11.

It was reported that in 2021 Tmall D11 GMV totaled ¥540.3 billion, with an increase of 8.45% compared with that in 2020. Except for the 19 brands with more than 500 million GMV in the list, The GMV of 7 brands arrived beyond ¥100 million. In all, foreign invested enterprises still keep a leading position. In the ¥1 billion club, Winona shows up as the only domestic brand, and in the ¥500 million club, PROYA is the only domestic brand. There are 17 domestic brands breaking the ¥100 million, accounting for more than 1/3 of all the brands breaking the ¥100 million.

2021 Tmall Beauty Double 11 General Report 2021 Tmall Beauty Double 11 General Report


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