ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre




Regulatory Updates

Measures for the Administration of Cosmetic Adverse Reaction Monitoring has been Released!
Publication date:2022-02-22
Measures for the Administration of Cosmetic Adverse Reaction Monitoring(hereinafter referred to as the Measures) has been released yesterday and will implement from 1 October this year!

NMPA announcemnet


It’s the first regulatory document formulated to specially targeted at the management of cosmetic adverse reaction monitoring. cosmetic registrant, notifier, operator,entrusted enterprise, medical institution, etc. shall report the cosmetic adverse reaction according to the Measures. The Measures including 7 chapters, 47 articles brings forward systematic requirements for cosmetic adverse reaction monitoring in terms of general rules, responsibilities and obligations, adverse reaction report, analysis and assessment of cosmetic adverse reaction, adverse reaction investigation and adverse reaction supervision and administration.


If you have any questions please contact us➡:

ZMUni regulatory compliance services in China include: 
  • Registration Service of Special Cosmetic Products
  • Filing/Notification Service of General Cosmetic Products
  • Infant/Children General Cosmetic Products Filing/Notification Service
  • Infant/Children Sunscreen Cosmetic Products Registration Service
  • New Cosmetic Ingredients (NCI) Filing/Notification and Registration Service
  • Cosmetic Ingredients Code Application Service
  • Cosmetic Efficacy Claim Evaluation Service
  • Chinese responsible agency service
  • Apply for CITIS permit or certificate of endangered speciesservice
  • Toothpaste Filing/Notification Service
  • Mouthwash etc. Dental Care Products regulatorycompliance Service
  • Custom clearance service
  • Disinfectionproducts Filing/Notification Service
  • Anti-bacterial products Filing/Notification Service
  • QMS (Quality Management System) service
  • ACR (Adverse Cosmetic Reaction) Service
  • Labelling Reviews
  • Regulatory Dossiers
  • Compliance Solutions
  • Regulatory Support


ZMUni Chinese Cosmetic Regulation Compliance Centre 中贸合规中心

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