ZMUni Compliance Centre

ZMUni Compliance Centre



Regulatory Updates

China is to Optimize Safety Assessment of Cosmetics with a Six-Month Extension for Full CPSR
Publication date:2024-03-15

As the May 1st deadline approaches, there seems to be a turning point for the complete version of the Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR) in China.


Recently, the Chinese regulatory authorities released a draft of "Several Measures for Optimizing the Safety Assessment of Cosmetics" for public consultation. Here are the key points ZMUni Compliance Centre compiled:


1. Transition Period Clarification

  • Cosmetics that have undergone safety assessments before May 1, 2024, can submit simplified CPSR when applying for registration or filing before November 1, 2024.

  • Starting from November 1, 2024, the maximum historical usage volume will no longer be used as a basis for safety assessment. 

The definition of "have undergone safety assessments" is still pending detailed regulations, but this information opens up more possibilities for future transition.


2. Physical and Chemical Stability, Preservative Challenges & Packaging Material Compatibility

Currently, relevant technical guidelines are being drafted, but no mandatory standards are defined. The draft allows companies to conduct research based on national standards, industry standards, international standards, or their validation methods.


3. Reference for Safety Assessment Ingredient Information

Relevant authorities will

  • Compile an international authoritative index of cosmetic safety assessment data.

  • Collect and organize information on the use of ingredients in products already on the market.

  • Gradually improve and establish a cosmetic ingredient safety database.


The "Measures" also mention that based on the principles of risk management and considering product conditions, company quality management, and the development of safety assessment systems, the submission of safety assessment reports will be classified. For certain ordinary cosmetics, companies are allowed to keep the reports on file for reference. Inspections will be conducted based on self-inspection by companies, product risks, and the operation of the company's quality management system.


Although the "Measures" are currently in the draft stage, the prospects for cosmetic safety assessment regulation in China are already clear, and the implementation of a complete version of the Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR) is inevitable. However, whether the "maximum historical or company history" approach and the policy extension will continue to be adopted depends on further in-depth research by regulatory authorities and the development of corresponding guiding documents.

This article is original content from ZMUni Compliance Center. Please contact us for reprinting.
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